Oracle cards have always been used as tools of divination. An authentic card reading helps to re-confirm your intuitive thoughts and feelings.
During her Angel Card Reading sessions, Chandita begins with a healing meditation followed by a detailed reading using Angel Cards and her intuitive gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance and clairaudience. She works closely with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Goddess Energies to help you connect with your inner wisdom and envision the best path forward to co-create a life of joy, peace and abundance.
Please note – Angel Card Reading is NOT fortune-telling. The reading is a reflection of present energy in a given area or circumstance. The reading does not predict the future, rather it suggests what is deeply in tune with the highest good of the client. The client is always free to change what they are doing or feeling about a situation and that would therefore alter the outcome.
Energy Exchange :
30 min reading (in-person/on-phone) – $49
60 min reading (in-person/on-phone) – $99